I tore my acl first day of the season at a railjam so now after a couple months of mad physio and rehab my doctors have cleared me for the season to go easy and moss with my team. but at least ill be out. Also i was wondering if anyone else here has riden without an acl and if they have any tips to play it safe or things that bothered there knee while riding.
I AM gettting surgery in the spring, the doctors dont want to opperate now because my knee is still growng so they dont want to damage my growth plates cause then id have one leg shorter then the other. i have a donjoy, and my miniscuses both have tears already and my pcl is partialy torn aswell so damaging those from sking is not an issue but one that i still wish to avoid.
i just wanted some help for if there were any tricks ie chairlifts, pow, whatnot to avoid
+k to you if you can help
thanks again