Well I don't have much of an opinion regarding that. I agree to an extent about your ability to argue fine art and artistic aspects better than the average joe who took art classes in high school. To people like pbandj and myself I think it's safe to say we are pretty well versed in non performing arts. So if a person is relatively well versed in engineering but not an engineering major could hold his ground in a discussion/argument about the topic. I we didn't know anything about art and were spouting off bullshit then yes I absolutely agree, that is just not the case.
And as for your pumpkin. (technically it is art) but yeah you don't consider it art and it won you skis. Cool, congrats, that's pretty damn cool.
You got offered 1000 dollars for a product you didn't have faith in. Okay you didn't want it breaking in a week and would feel bad to take a grand. Okay I understand completely. You are receiving offers for a self portrait. Okay again cool, congrats, but you don;t want to sell it because you're not happy with it. So perhaps the jealousy thing is crossing the line a tad... But even with that being said. I'm selling a product, pieces of art (whether they are or are not art in your eyes that is your opinion, in my eyes and to the eyes of the people buying them they are pieces of art) I believe in the quality of my work so I wouldn't feel bad for selling them for a grand, and like you I don't sell them until I feel they are to my standards of quality.
Soooo what's your point?
You don't necessarily like my pieces or think my pieces are technically challenging therefore I shouldn't be paid well for them... I mean that is all I can honestly come up with and that is a pretty weak argument.
Some people will say I don't get Pollock I think it's ugly, fuck that shit, fuck Pollock, I could do the same thing he does ( I am not comparing myself to Pollock but for example purposes we will continue)
Okay so that dude fucking hates Pollock thinks his work is shit and is garbage. But other people find it to be amazing as fuck and will drop countless millions of dollars to get pieces of his. However it's just fucking splatter paint.
So you don't like my work, you don't think it's worth a grand. Well hey, another guy thought it was. Other people pay good money on them as well. The only board I haven't sold was the first one in this thread and it's because I made it for myself.
I have sold everyone I have ever made and the prices may not fit what you think they are worth but other people saw them and were like hey I like that I want it how much? Okay.