what are you 20? same here. thats a kid
i applaud your meshing of skating and art I do however think that you're the pretentious asshole in this situation. There is a media and arts forum on this website and more specifically a "POST YOUR ARTWORK HERE THREAD." please tell me why you are entitled to be above that?
on top of that you sold your "Trippy" skate deck at a way overpriced rate and im pretentious?
and i believe you can draw pretty well as there are elements to your decks that would look really nice if they werent surrounded by the your own box of oil pastels.
and yes marketing is what is what is so very wrong, and so very right about the art world. bottom line is that art is subjective and that's what makes it art. but theres an objective degree to it that "no fucking beginner to art" would have to disagree with.
and to "i don't come off as a cocksucker" i would almost disagree. you words to everyone are, on the surface, very kind, but your message is still that you think you're a creative genius.
and to pbandj i literally said in that post that in a philosophy of art discussion the decks would be considered art.
and to everyone who hates art majors because they're "soooo pretentious"... you don't fucking understand art and design the way you understand engineering or computer programming or biology or whatever your major is. If i walked into some thread spewing some shit about particle acceleration that was blatantly off base and everyone was believing it, i do believe you would add your 2 cents. And no i wouldn't call you pretentious, i'd say "well fuck, that dude knows what he's talking about. dammit he might no be stephen hawking, but he knows more than i do." no one gets mad in that scenario. no one says his heads up his ass. why the fuck do you guys think the same logic doesn't apply?
ooooooh is so subjective, it speaks to me.