You, my good friend, are wrong.
It is not my job to become educated about your "cause".. If you want people to be even slightly sympathetic to the Occupy Wall Street movement, the typical protester is doing you a huge disservice. I'm sure that the movement started with good intent, but the average pile o' shit hopped on the band wagon and now nobody cares. So don't say that the movement was a success, it wasn't. Every other nation in the world has just taken front seat to a splendid show that emphasizes how lazy, ungrateful, and uneducated the typical american is.
In regards to your school/job situation.. Congratulations. You work hard. So do I, but I'm not complaining about the wealth distribution. Many college students take on heavy student loans, but work hard to pay them off. I'm willing to have a slightly lower quality of life for a few years, paying off my debts rather than asking corporations to essentially subsidize my educational costs. But the cool thing is, since I've been working hard in high school the past three and a half years, private universities offered me scholarships that significantly lower my tuition. Look at that, my hard work benefiting me.
About the war comments earlier, stop. That's just stupid that you're going to try to argue that our government is corrupt and that it's no longer an institution of the people and blah, blah, blah. I challenge you to find a single nation of similar power that has a government without corruption. Obviously we would like a society that has strong morals, but that's not how things turned out. But don't try to tell me that we are entitled to a better government when we have privileges that we neglect, while there are so many more-deserving people living in third world countries.