Absolutely love the way the ski, especially Renegades. The only issue I've ever had is when something does go wrong, warranty is a long and painful process. Working in a 4frnt dealer all last winter, we only had one pair come back to us. Cracked sidewall and a delam on a pair of EHP's with no edge impact or base damage. Pictures were sent to SLC, and we were told it would be warrantied and to send the skis in. Skis were sent mid January and when I left my job in May, we still had no final answer. This was despite multiple calls and emails to the rep, with slow response time. Luckily we had a couple pairs of EHP's mounted up as demo's to give to the customer.
I love the way the skis ski, and this was just one isolated incident, but neither us or the customer was pleased with the way it was handled.