not that ive ever had a theft problem *knock on wood* but im sure someone may with those hard to miss lowpro camerabags and what not.
I rock the dakine sequence bag, it just looks like a huge backpack (until i slap on stands and a tripod) so if you want a big bag that can hold way to much to ski or walk with then go with that one.
but if you want a cool bag that you can use for every day things. and maybe even cary around some strobes then this would be it.

^also a diff colour
and for you video guys, it looks like you can take those dividers out and throw in that bulky piece of videographing technology.
if you know about any other sick bags post them in this thread. i know when you start in this business going to a camera store is not what you want in the style selection. unless that is what you want.
you can also convert any backpack into a camera bag by buying an ICU

(but you may want a smaller version)
there we go, post your swag bags