I'm not expecting any thing from this thread but I hope that some users would change a bit.
So this is my story :
I started really using NS about a month ago, I posted some cool pics I had on my computer and some of them got on NS frontpage. This got me really stocked and motivated me to improve my photography and Photoshop skills. I started to make some sequences and some got on NS frontapge.
Last week I uploaded a sequence that I spent a long time working on !!!
And I was pleasantly stocked when I saw a day later that it had a perfect rating of 10 for 21 ratings.
But then some hater/haters came along and down rated my picture to 8.31 for a total of 26 ratings.
I find it strange that the rating went from 10's to 1's this is why I'm pretty sure it is just some haters that wanted to get picture of the day. And yes I like to see my pics on the frontpage but I'm not going to down rate pics for that !!!
I just find it really uncool of some users to do that, because I like to see that people like my pics but when I know that I had a perfect rating and than that it goes down to almost 8 it just sucks !!!!
There I really hope that the user/users that did this or that do this to other pics change and stop doing it.
And here is my math :
At 21 ratings 21 * 10.0 = 210 points
At 22 ratings 22 * 9.59 = 211 points So one user rated a 1 !!!
At 26 ratings 26 * 8.31 = 216 points So three users rated a 1 and one rated a 2 !!!
Seriously UNCOOL !!!