False, the only fact of that, is that he came and he died. The rising is just pondering more or less, i really hate when people take religion into fact. And call me hateful, but ignorant christians make me want to punch a baby, for lack of a better phrase of course. Also, I can most certainly presume that you hate any person who questions the christian faith, or is of jewish religion or muslim religion, because we came first and inspired your religion, then we told you that Jesus wasn't the messiah, but rather just a prophet, so you became butthurt and prosecuted us during the middle ages. Also, there needs to actually be separation of church and state in the U.S. rather than this "illusion" of separation, that really doesn't exist, seeing as though the presidents have to be sworn in on a bible, our laws prohibit homosexuality. Also in the in tern, the U.S. government is currently breaking the constitution because there not passing homosexuality as a true form of marriage based on no facts that it's wrong besides the bible, because in the 1st amendment of the U.S. constitution it says, "Congress shall make
NO law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
HAHAHAHA i win:)