Just because these things are bad (cept killing for revenge, thats pretty damn sweet) does not mean that two boys fucking are going to create a healthy, safe or in any other way good environment for a child to grow up in.
As I said in the thread on this 10 months ago, I would hate to have grown up with out a father figure of some kind, just as much as I would have hatted to grow up with two fathers.
Before you get side tracked, I understand the current social issue with divorced, separated, and missing parents. Many of children who grow up under these unfortunate and tragic circumstances develop into good citizens. If you were to ask them however, my guess is that most would prefer to have grown up with both their father and their mother. I see no reason why we should encourage, or even to adults to go out of their way to force a child into those conditions.
Yes, undoubtedly a child would be better off growing up with responsible and caring homosexual parents then abusive heterosexual ones. There is no good way however to insure that the homosexual adoptive (or artificial insemination) parents will be either responsible or caring.
Fact of the mater, all kids deserve to grow up with both a father and a mother. Tragically, not all are afforded that opportunity. I see no reason to increase that number.
Other arguments aside, my personal opinion follows, which is sure to be attacked and condemned by the progressive and 'with it' members of this website.
I do not trust homosexuals to raise children. I find most homosexuals I meet to be overly self absorbed (Ninja_Steeze example here), totally lacking in situational awareness, and otherwise unable to comply with societal standards. I do not want the gay community to have a large influence over children's lives. I fear the results it will have on our society.
I doubt that would have happened in a heterosexual household.