alright let's all share stories about the worst time that we all got shutdown and rejected hardcore by a girl. don't act like it hasn't happened to every one of us, guys, so let's at least at least share what happened so that when we said, 'someday i'll look back and laugh about this' we weren't lying to ourselves. i'll start:
so i'm in my first week of college, chillin at the cafeteria is the student center with a few of the buddies i have made so far in the dorms. we're eatin, and i see this girl a couple tables away who is lookin damn fine, the eye contact is made, smiles exchanged, you know the drill. so i'm thinkin i got to go talk to her, so i walk over sit down, start the chit chat, she seems cool and i think everything is going great. all the while, she has her hands in her lap (this will be important later). everything is clicking i've talked with her few a good while without acting or saying something stupid, and it seems like everything is going awesome, so i'm stoked. when it comes time to ask her about if she has a boyfriend, what she's doing later, etc., she brings her hands up from under the table and !!!!!BAM!!!!! i'm seeing this rock on her finger glaring right in my eye and my hopes are destroyed. then, is if i don't already need to be put on suicide watch, she feeds me something put how she likes to tease 'boys' like me since she already has a 'man'. i had to be helped out of the room by my friends. it sucked man, big time.
now let's hear yours, because now that you get to laugh at my experience, i deserve to laugh at someone elses.
No one on their death bed ever said, 'I wish I'd played it safe' -blind_five