This is the first death i've ever heard of from hitting urban and i think the message should be spread what can happen and how dangerous it really is. He was an amazing skier, not your average amateur and this tragedy occured. He was not wearing a helmet, if he was, this might not have happened. It seems to be that helmets are showing up less and less in urban videos but i please PLEASE urge everyone to think of what could happen if you dont wear one, and do hit your head. This was a huge freak of nature but it proves that shit can happen. Please use good judgment, and wear a lid when your hitting anything, this was a huge wakeup call to everyone around our college and i hope its a wake up call to alot of people. Dont let it come to having this happen to you or one of your friends. Be safe. Brain injuries are the #1 killer in Canada.
peace and love, RIP Will Schooler, you'll be missed by all.