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Soo i have togocross country skiing
Posts: 393
Karma: 174
so i have to go cross country skiing with my school in a few weeks for physed... anything cool or funny you guys do well cross country skiing! if you have ever been..?
Posts: 1357
Karma: 508
1) try going switch
2) bomb hills
and you should be set
Posts: 2252
Karma: 2,801
Posts: 4008
Karma: 3,414
fuck that shit i hate nordic. already started. my coach makes me run. :()
Posts: 128
Karma: 29
Posts: 1838
Karma: 1,160
Posts: 470
Karma: 621
i xc skied for like 10 years competativly and when i was skipping training to build jumps and do lincoln loops and 360s with my friends i decided to switch over to downhill haha
Posts: 898
Karma: 62
Posts: 8637
Karma: 13,293
switch is soooo hard on xc skis.
Posts: 434
Karma: 100
Enjoy it, it's a great sport, you'll probably find that the skis are like ice skates and soon as you start going downhill it feels freaking fast and turning is ridiculous due to the lack of edges.
Lotsa fun!
Posts: 2064
Karma: 65
Build little jumps, they're fun to just play around on.
Posts: 10651
Karma: 7,686
try to grind off rails i did it a few times when i went (one time)
Posts: 1897
Karma: 1,423
bring telemarkers and say your pro at x country skiing and thats why your skis are so much bigger than everyone elses.
Posts: 183
Karma: 34
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