I like to think of myself as a middle of the road independent. My parents are both republican but they raised me to value my own beliefs by taking in information from both sides of an argument and coming up with my personal opinions on world views, social views, politics, etc.
I like drugs.
I love smoking weed, I enjoy altering my conscious with psychedelics, and I enjoy eating a little MDMA at concerts and parties. Occasionally i'll split a bag of white girl with a friend on a friday night.
Weed isn't a dangerous drug the fact that it is still illegal, and looked down upon in the united states is archaic and close minded. Alcohol is legal and so is tobacco, weed should be legalized. All because some fucking square ass politician didn't want african americans to have too much fun with their jazz and sex.
LSD and other schedule one narcotics are illegal because of the united states drug war of relatively recent times. (nixon) Because these crazy rock and roll music listening hippie types were having too much fun with lsd and other psychoactive chemicals, plants, fungis, that they said nope. no more fun we don't want our youth thinking differently. Again archaic and close minded.
Now ecstasy, heroin, cocaine are all dangerous, you can overdose on them and kill yourself and it does happen. However if you monitored the manufacturing of these products not only would you make a whole lot of money in tax revenue you would be able to control the quality of the goods. Ecstasy deaths are more common than not brought on by the cutting agents in the pill itself or with the powder you buy it in such as speed(meth) piperazine, and various other agents all hundreds of times more harmful to the human body than MDMA in and of itself. Heroin and cocaine, also bad, and unlike mdma can kill you outright whether or not the quality is bad, or there are other chemicals in the junk. But still people who want to try heroin will try heroin. Whether its legal or not. People who want to try cocaine will try it whether its legal or not. Same goes for meth amphetamine, oxy contin, oxy morphone, and any other drug you can think of.
So why make it illegal if the legality of the substance won't discourage the drive of an individual to go ahead and try the substance? Well because they make you act differently, they make you think differently, and because some close minded fuck with a significant amount of power says you can't.
Some of you may say well these things are bad and they should be illegal. I won't argue that meth, heroin, and cocaine are bad, they are, and they are addictive. But thats your opinion and if you don't think you'll ever try those things in your life then don't. But who are you to say some one else can't. Who are you to say I can't put something into my own body. Whether it's alcohol, tobacco, weed, meth, heroin, coke, acid, shrooms, ecstasy, or whatever. I don't think it is right that you can tell someone what they can and can't do to themselves. Its been shown in other countries with full free will legalization that there is an initial spike in previously illegal substance use, it peaks, then drops lower than it was before. Probably because someone isn't saying you can't do this. Its human mentality to want to rebel and try it. So if you just alter it slightly and say, look you know what this stuff is you know it can be harmful to yourself but hey if you want to try it go for it.
I'm not addicted to any substance I have never been once and I never will be. That may just be my character and the way I work. I have never tried heroin, meth, or oxy's so i can't say that i wouldn't get addicted to those but i can say I don't even want to try them. They aren't my thing they don't interest me. So who's to say that I can't try other things.
I don't know this sort of thing just pisses me off. I believe people should have free will when it comes to altering their mind, body, and soul by using chemicals.
And it pisses me off that some dude thats long dead, or some fucking right wing close minded archaic fuck head with too much money and power can tell me that "Jake you can't smoke marijuana cigarettes, because the government says so, and not to mention its bad for you, you may even think differently than before!!!" Yeah yeah yeah, go fuck yourself. Lighting up a doobie is safer than having your glass of whiskey at night. Tripping on a psychedlic in a state park on a saturday is less harmful than getting trashed at some fucking innaguration party on a saturday night. Rolling at a concert is less harmful than when you drink glass on glass of wine and smoke cigars at some politcal ball.
Fuck the lame ass square buzzkill politicians, that didn't want black people to enjoy their jazz and sex in the thirties, that didn't want some 19 year old hippie tripping on acid with their friends at a rock concert in the 60's, fuck richard nixon and nancy reagan next time someone asks you "Hey man want to get stoned and watch youtube?" Don't say no, Say fuck yes i would love to do that now lets roll up a fatty and do that i'll bring the blunt wraps, snacks, and 5 dollars and you go buy the ten ssack and we will call it even!
Spark notes: Fuck the proverbial "Man", if you wanna do something to your body DO IT, And fuck said "man" for saying we can't.