the tech bubble grew a LOT when clinton was in office, and essentially burst a couple months before bush got into office.
i don't know where you guys get the idea that ANY president can alter the economy with the touch of a button. the only thing the Fed can do is slow down inflation by rasing interest rates, and that's it. the government can't create jobs, either. and i know someone's gonna say 'well they can make government jobs and employ people that way.' and that's true, but where do you think the government gets the money to pay the people doing public works projects/gov't work? the tooth fairy? no, it comes out of the taxpayers (everyone elses) pocket.
the economy is no one's fault but the consumers - if people stop buying, then production will slow down so that there isn't a large surplus (in which case they would lose money because they would have to lower prices in order to sell their product). the president, the government, congress, the senate, none of these controls the economy.
lets put it into perspective - say a new ski company starts up and they have a lot of hype, really good team, etc, and they produce 10,000 pairs of skis and sell them all in the first week. so they say 'wow, those things sold fast. we should make even more this time' so this time around they make 100,000 pairs of skis and those sell in 3 weeks. next time they make 500,000 pairs and those sell in a month. so now this new company's seriously rolling around in money like pigs in shit, so they decide to make 1,000,000 pairs this time. but they don't sell as quickly. maybe 5 pairs a month. why? because they've effectively saturated the market to the point where people don't really want to buy their product. the result is that they now have a surplus of skis, and they have to find a way to sell them. so they lower their prices from $600 to $500. some of them sell, but not as many as they had hoped, so now they reduce it to $300 (which is wholesale, or what they paid to have it produced for). still not selling. so they go down to $200, and they start selling at a better rate, but now their losing money, and by the time they've sold all of them off, they're bankrupt and have to go out of business. the flipside to this is that instead of lowering prices, they simply let the product sit there where essentially no one would buy it and the business would slowly choke to death.
so where was the government in all of this? did the president call up the owner of the company and threaten to bomb the factory if he didn't make more skis? did congress come by and say that they'd reclaim the land that their business was on if they didn't up production? or did the governer of the state come by and tell them to lower their prices (or not lower their prices)? no, it was all on the shoulders of the company - they did it to themselves, and as a result, their business and their employees suffered.
what i just wrote (to those of you who have made it this far) is essentally what happened during clinton's terms. and the bubble just happened to burst when he left office. why then? no particular reason. the economy of any country is going to fluctuate on it's own, and to blame the government (whichever party they may be) is just silly.
i curse your pubes with the fleas of a thousand