My first clean 3 in a bigger jump
I know it sounds retardedly bad, and it is. I've started skiing park this week since i just love the style som of you riders have.
I'm a pretty good skier outside the park, actually i am excellent in the pist and pretty damn good offpist.
So this season i told myself, i am going to learn park. My goals are 720 with a clean tail/mute, switch 3s and 5s and the thing around there, maybe try corks if i am getting a bigger pair of balls. And i would love to do a backflip since i feel that is the next "big" step.
But i landed my first 3 with safety in a bigger jump, and just started doing boxes, riding switch off etc (yeah i am a beginner)
But it's so fun, and i love it. When i landed that 3 (non gaper style), it feels like anything is possible :)