When life first started there was all of life in one point. This point was the meaning of life, but held all of the realities of the universe (this is a post modern view of the universe). The big bang caused all meanings of life to expand outward from that point; each on its own individual course. However each reality has an opposite reality, and these realities add up to equal the original meaning of life. Essentially, these realities negate each other and equal no meaning. We can therefore explain the different ideas and world-views while showing that the meaning of life is actually nothing and meaningless. Each person has there own reality that has an opposite reality.
However each person can change the course of his or her reality. In a today’s rational world this view would not align. The fact that we can chose our own reality that is opposite, yet completely original and chosen, is part of the original reality. This theory also explains the expansion of the universe. With the big bang as a start the original meaning, nothing, expanded in a synchronized way that allows the universe to always equal the original reality. Each individual reality can be seen as a system of parallel strings that make up the fabric of the universe, thus allowing for multiple realities. As the universe grows it is filled with the ever-expanding realities, while still equaling the center point. The use of string theory could help explain this part of the idea. We can now see that the universe is an perfectly harmonized and a precice machine that is evolving to balance the realities of the world (every idea and every thing has an opposite in our world and they always are equal and opposite another reality). All of these thoughts culminate to show that the meaning of life is nothing, there is none. If the universe started from nothing it is expanding in such away to remain equal to no meaning. While the general reality and meaning of life does not exist, we each have our respective realities that guide us in our lives and we each live our own reality. Through this we are able to say that each person must choose his or her own meaning of life. What is your reality?