so what you're really in need of is a
give us some good reasons to invest in you!
Seriously, you might try getting sponsored by a local ski shop. I'm sponsored by my local ski shop, and they have a shop pass that I can use. Plus, ski shops tend to have deeper pockets than kids on NS anyway. also try getting a loan from a fuckin bank?
but also, if you don't have time for a job, then you don't have time to ski enough to justify a seasons pass. suck it up and work the next 3 weekends babysitting, mowing lawns, shoveling driveways, recycling bottles, IDK. Post pics of yourself doing some grueling manual labor for your season's pass and I'll loan you some $
haha and if all else fails, there's always pickpocketing. some advice: only steal from people you know you can outrun.
Good luck bro, I hope you get the pass.