Hey buddy, ive heard of something very similar before. my girlfriend injured her shoulder when skiing last year. She took a bad fall on it but was able to keep skiing the rest of the day and wasnt in too much pain. She described the shoulder as feeling "weak" and "loose" the next few days. She went to a doctor and learned that she had a small tear in the cartilage of the shoulder. The doc gave her some physio exercise and told her to rest it as much as possible for about 6 weeks.
What i would recommend is googling some exercises to get your shoulder stronger. Ideally, try to find exercises that use very light dumbells or resistance bands. If your not in a ton of pain , you should be fine but rest it, get it strong and avoid falling on it again.
if u want me to ask my girlfriend any other questions shes with me now and she could be able to help u. good luck!