Replying to Has anyone here had meningitis or temporal lobe epiliepsy
Im rather curious if anyone here has had either severe viral or bactieral meningitis. Because roughly 5 or 6 six weeks ago I came down with extremely severe viral meningitis, and i spent a several days in the hospital. The meningitis was severe enough to cause me to have partial seizures, but they went undiagnosed for two shitty weeks. All I recall of those weeks was being in a constant state of fear and paranoia, hallucinating, and having almost no communication skills. When i got an EEG at the nuerologist they found out I was having 5-7 simple partials a minute.
Unfortunately I wasn't even remotely coherent during any of my trips to the nuero; so i wasn't able to ask about possible after effects. So thats where i need help. For the past weeks I've had terrible short term and long term memory. I often forget what simple words mean and I always forget what i was going to say mid sentence. Another few problems I have with my short term memory is I forget conversations or events from my day entirely; so that poses a problem with home work and stuff I may have been told to do. In general it's like my brain simply doesnt organize information at all anymore, and so it takes me longer to think of something I would normally know off the top of my head.
Also I lost a good amount of balance and motor skills. I also haven't been able to run past much more of a jog because my back almost isn't stong enough to hold up my torso. haha it sounds dumb but fucking sucks I just really hope i'll be able to ski.
So if anyone here has had problems with meningitis or temporal epilepsy I would really like to no if you've had similar probloems afterward or if i'm just going crazy.
Spark Notes:
got sick went crazy tripped on bad acid now cant remember anything
and inb4 tl;dr
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