Here's a drawing with vectors to help you guys visualize.
If you are landing flat the ground will exert the same amount of force on you no matter what speed you are moving.The reason that landing on a slope helps is because the normal force is not parallel to the axis that the skier is landing on, this means some of the vertical force from the skier is converted to horizontal force. I can draw this out if you guys really need help.
There are three reasons you can land large drops on skis and not in shoes.
A. Skis spread out the area of impact, this means that your ankles will not shatter from all the impact. This is why you can't do 15+ foot drops in shoes.
B. Generally skiers land on slight downhills not complete flat, this means some of the vertical force is changed to horizontal force.
C. Finally the skiers legs are very strong, the legs can absorb the force by acting like springs. They spread out the impact time to the rest of the body meaning everything inside you is not slushing around. If a weak person hit a 15+ foot drop their legs wouldn't be able to handle the impact.
If you want to drop big drops work on your leg strength and make sure you have some sort of tranny.