since I just realized I missed my 2000th post, I decided I would make a thread for my 2012 post.
So place your predictions about anything 2012 related here.
First off,
This man will win the republican primary and go on to be elected president.
Greece and Italy with both withdraw from the euro zone causing the European markets to go into shambles and eventually ripple through to our markets in the US.
At this point China will begin to buy up all of the land in the united states.
Under fear for country our vice-president will assassination the president and take control of the country.
She will decided to invade Russia so we have something to trade with china for our land.
We will nuke Russia, then North Korea will nuke us, then the united kingdom will nuke Korea, Pakistan will nuke them, then... well you get the point.
The only survivors will be those of us displaced high in the mountains, far away from populated cities.
Under permanent winter these remaining people will live happily ever after.
in4b: bad grammar, haters