TheGnarwhalAnything over 130 underfoot is totally unnecessary.. If you need 150/160 underfoot to float in pow, you're doing it wrong..
Arbitrary and wrong, maybe it's 138 or 141 or 153?. Got any data to support that statement? I skied Silverton recently, brought my Liberty Genomes 141 underfoot. Head of Snow Safety and Ski Patrol walks up and asks "whose skis are those?" "Mine." "You brought the right skis". But perhaps someone knows better than him? Love it when the guy on 105's says the Genomes are ridiculous, useless and unnecessary, especially after you ask them what the fattest skis they've ever skied on were. Um, I skied 115's once.....Haters gotta hate, spewing ignorance has become a badge of honor for some.....that is unnecessary and unfortunate.