Over the past few months, I have noticed a trend in multi-page threads here in NSG, and for some reason I feel compelled to do a write up on what I have found.
Ill start off with the obvious
1. The troll thread
Troll threads are made by people who's sense of humor involves pissing people off. There sole purpose is to make people mad, and then poke fun at them for being mad. In a trolls mind, they are always right because it adds to the hilarity of reactions evoked by people taking them seriously. Troll threads thrive (or feed) off of peoples responding to the ridiculous claim in the original post.
Ex. So my cousins friends brother just said he just got sodomized by Tom Walnuts with a ski pole.
-Obvious troll is obvious
2. The Ridiculous /Claim Thread
This form of thread is a special bread that only comes along once in a blue moon, and by God they can be amazing (searchbar "chemickals in my butt!"). This bread of thread makes a ridiculous claim that the original poster did/had done to them. They mostly come in the form of 'Milf Claim' where someone claims to have boned the sexy milf next door after years of odd advances and awkward conversations. These threads usually make it into multiple pages with people asking for pics of said milf, cause lets be honest, what good is a story about a bangin' milf without pictures? Truth aside, every now and then you will come across a /claim thread that actually provides evidence that it is true (although I have only ever come across two)
Ex. Yesterday I was cutting down a tree when my chainsaw slipped and I totally chopped off my dick!
-Pics or it didnt happen
3. The Noob Story thread
This type of thread comes from the noobiest of noobs who decide that it is a good idea to post something before they even know that there are different sections for skiing, gear, and small talk. These threads usually dont get past more that 2 pages and are filled with nothing but hate and false advice that everyone backs up in an attempt to confuse the noob. They usually end when everyone has had their way with the frail, innocent newcomer and they all realize that they were noobs once too.
Ex. HAI GUIZ. Im 12 and what is this? Also can you tell me what you think about this shitty edit staring my other 12 year old friends?
-No, just no...
Post anything else that you can think of.