Hey there, and thanks for checking out my thread, so the purpose of this is to "REbuild" my G suit Pants, which i purchased from a good friend of mine for wayyyy to much money when they were in terrible condition. They were in such bad condition that white tape was used to cover large rips and "make" it "blend" in lol, u can even see the tape marks :P But anyways here are some of the pics and note: The words Salomon and the graphics along the side of the pants were a custom effect that i did by using a special gold fabric marker to make the brand name "Salomon" stand out as well as the graphics being restored. Here are the pics and enjoy. And i will update this thread when i manage to fix something wrong with them :P
^ 2.75inch rip
^6.75inch rip (With tape marks left over)
^3.5inch rip vertical...4inch rip horizontal
^Touched up the graphic on the side of the pants, looks great!
^Closer view of the touchup
^Gold "S" Salomon zipper faded and needs to be repolished
^5.5inch rip vertical (with tape marks) 1inch rip horizontal
^Four 1inch rips on leg
^Custom finish on Salomon along the leg of the pants, (for those who don't know what i did, picture the gold background wasn't there...white b4...gold now) :) Looks awesome!
^Total View of the pants...i have nice feet ahaha