“you do all understand that the basis for everything conservative is fear right?�
well you can fuck right off. lets start with campaigns. the RNC website is plastered with anti-kerry links, websites, articles... i think kerry's name is mentioned more often than bush's... there isnt even an obvious issues section. just a bunch of shit lauding bush and bashing kerry. the democrats site clearly states purpose, goals etc. weak example..
ad campaigns. anti-bush ads were aired by an unaffiliated citizens group, kerry asked them to stop, they said no. i similar conservative group did the same thing but earned bush's support. negative campaigning, always a big respect winner. dont debate, inspire fear of your opponent.
bush's leadership. well there was bush's savior to step up to the plate, 9/11. from that one event he has been able to basically invent the rest of his agenda. increase military spending, increase security, 'secure' iraq... which no one seems to mention has huge connections with our standpoint in israel. further democratization of the middle east would certainly increase our standing there, and give israel more power... then there ws the terror scale, an obvious ploy at controlling americans fears. grading the level of terror facing the US? are you kidding... today is friday, the world is red, you should be scared today. but dont worry, i, GWB, your fearless leader, will keep you safe from this invisible but omnipresent threat.
i strayed... none of that is a basis... but the basis is controlling change, resticting it and holding on to tried and true methods of the past. restrict diversity, amass physical wealth, support national security and financial security... be safe... but to focus on that means a fear of something that will change it, and possibly negatively.
i was going to make a new post for this but it seems pretty appropriate right here. its a paragraph from 'scott nearing, the making of a homesteader' by john a saltmarsh... about a homesteader... sort of natural living and such.. an old man... i actually havent read it all... but this fits (on industrial labor and american society):
'And because of the monotony of the work was deadening,' it kept the workers 'diverted in their leisure hours and helped them forget.' In order to escape their devitalized life on the job, they turned to the consumption of a sensationalized press, to sports, to alcohol, to movies, and to cheap automobiles. The result of this new culture of consumption was that 'human life was modified and reshaped through mass work, mass life, mass recreation, mass education and regimentation, and mass thought.' 'The new life experiences, with their corresponding habits, have created a new type of human being, - the mass man, the proletarian, - the coerced, narrowed, routineered, plaintive, soul-hungry, ignorant, overstimulated, industrial worker.' This mass society enforced a 'necessity for conformity,' 'an intellectual abdication,' resulting in 'prejudice, bigotry, mental atrophy and social decay.' There was a resigned 'smugness and self-satisfaction of the ordinary American community, convinced that what it has is the best on earth.' The political consequence of this mass society meant that while 'theoretically, the United States is a 'free country,'' in reality 'the people there only enjoy an unusually narrow range of political thought.''
You know the Nazis had pieces of flair that they made the Jews wear.
once back when i was a fetus i was aborted. it didn't hurt at all, but i was also high on life at the time. - thisangelicrage
its not rape....its surprise sex. you wake up and SURPRISE you had sex with me haha - huckster989
The following post is a piece of shit.