Swallow your pride you lost your argument a while ago you're digging yourself in deeper and deeper by the post. El Gato won. Then when you realized you lost the argument you called him on his character, a sure sign or a lost argument. Telling someone at the end of an argument "Well yeah, yeah!!!! Well i never liked you anyway so even though you won this argument i didn't like you before hand so now i don't like you more!"
Ok pal. Give up. What i got from your posts is,
-el gato is ignorant because he thinks anonymous hasn't done anything
- but they're not a real group or faction
- they brought down pay pal and they could bring down facebook.
the first and second points contradict eachother the second point contradicts any statement on the "group" because in your words "they are not real"
and hypothetically if they were they couldn't over run facebook and shut it down because if they tried a DDOS their servers could handle it because their servers are equipped to handle more internet traffic than google.
In the words of gene wilder portraying willy wonka in the film classic "WIlly WOnka and the Chocolate factory" YOU LOSE GOOD DAY SIR!