Posts: 21362
Karma: 5,145 I hope most people don't base their votes on this kind of ignorange. Jesus Christ! No, not one of those vets served on the same boat as Kerry. One was on a nearby boat when the whole life-saving thing happened. He claims Kerry's boat wasn't under fire, but on his own statement at the time, he claimed his own boat WAS. So what, they were just shooting at you? Hmm, I'll bet. The rest weren't even NEAR him. The doctor who claims to have treated Kerry doesn't appear to be telling the truth according to the records, and to the absolute moron up there who wanted Kerry to release his war records: NEWSFLASH! THEY HAVE BEEN! FOR ABOUT 30 YEARS! Way to be on the ball, Hawking. The Swift Boat Vets for Truth are about as aptly named as... nevermind, I can't think of anything nearly that ironic. They're lying. Sorry if that's a shock, but hey, the truth hurts. Find another issue on which to attack Kerry. Try his senatorial absences or something (I hate having to help you people, but you obviously sorely need it).
And I agree with those who've said that this is being made into the big issue when it shouldn't even be an issue at all. It's Kerry's fault for putting so much emphasis on it in the first place; now, when he wants to talk about the real issues, he can't make a speech without people ignoring it and talking about his war record. Idiotic. How about discussing health care, tax plans, foreign policy, the environment, job growth, anything RELEVANT? Oh, I guess that wouldn't be much of a campaign strategy for either candidate... a confused voter is, apparently, what both sides want. Well, they're in luck; if this thread is any indication, there won't be any shortage of them.
This is, needless to say, a rather important election, and the fact that something that happened 30 odd years ago has any bearing on the way it'll turn out is downright mindboggling. But I guess propaganda works... the whole 'flip flopper' thing was said so much that it's accepted now, despite the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever, as many politicians change their minds on a wide variety of issues (including GW). Apparently you people just believe whatever you're told. The rest of us are sitting here shielding our eyes, unable to bear the disturbing spectacle of the festival of ignorance any more. Please, educate yourselves, or don't inflict your largely worthless political opinions on others, because you aren't helping your country, you're hurting it. Really, really badly.
In a haze
A stormy haze
I’ll be around
I’ll be loving you
Here I am
And I’ll take my time
Here I am
And I’ll wait in line