Posts: 1070
Karma: 2,883
Some initial thoughts and comments to the devs.
Been playing for a bit now, and there is major potential here, but the biggest issues I see at the moment (other than crashes, instability, stuff like that) is the controls.
The controls are sluggish as hell.
When I am on my skis in real life, I feel extremely nimble, fast and quick. Skiing in snow feels like I am driving a semi up hill through the mud. The max speed appears to be about 40mph, which isnt nearly fast enough, and even the sharp turns you have, are still huge, and completely kill your speed.
I am just going list things off here Id like to see changed.
-Why do I have to tap W to pole push, just let me hold it until I am at max speed and tuck from there.
-The 'jump' combo is terrible. Having to hold down, then up on the arrows generally causes me to almost always do the trick bound to the up arrow, by accident, just make the spacebar be jump, press to charge, release to jump, much, much simpler.
-Speaking of grabs, when I push a button combo for a grab, it needs to immediately start happening, none of this .5-1 second delay stuff, same with nose/tail presses on rails. By the time I get the nose press going, the rail is done.
-Speaking of rails, the hit-box in the game you need to hit to actually get on the rail is way too small. It seems to be just the length of the players boots, if you miss that little box, your tips/tails either clip through the rail, or you just eat shit, no possibility of saving the grind. This could be mitigated by making the basic skiing controls/jumping more responsive, as listed in point one, right now you simply dont have enough control to hit anything but the most basic of rails, let alone the crazy shit you put in that terrain park.
-Why is it sometimes when I hit a rail, dead center, perfectly sideways, I just eat shit for no reason?
-Add skating to gain speed, not just pole pushing.
-The rotation system. It seems like if you are going for realism, (which it seems you are), you need to completely revamp the rotation system. Why can I change directions mid-air? It makes things more confusing. Suggestion for revamping the system - Make it so you have to charge your spin before you leave the ground. Want to do a 360? Hold space(the new jump key, as listed earlier), and hold left or right arrow for half a second before launch. Lincoln loop? Space and q or e before launch, release the key and your going to spin at a speed based on how long you held the charge for before hand.
I think thats about all I have for now for thoughts, will post more as I play more.