i went through a super bad anxiety spell last year. Before it was diagnosed was the worst. I was able to convince myself i was basically falling over dizzy and would freak myself out. One time i got my mom to call 911 because i thought i was about to have a heart attack.
I was put on clomazopan (sp.?) and i hate taking medicine. So i used it to my advantage and spent the period trying to overcome my anxiety. There is some key factors on which you can control it. Exercise is key, jog daily and workout. I also found that the busier I am, the better I feel. Get super busy because then you dont even have time to think about anxiety.
You have an attack when you start thinking about anxiety and it seems like a never-ending down spiral, if this becomes the case. Breathing is how you fix this. The panic is a result of lack of oxygen because while your brains freakin itself out you forget to properly breath. Deep rythmic breaths is how you get out of it, and its great to have friends to talk about something else with you to get your mind off of it.
I didnt become an expert at this instantly, it takes practice. I have been medicine free and basically anxiety free for 8 months and feel great.
Hope this helped!