Keep pushing through, in two years if not one you'll start getting core classes that you enjoy. Like I've always been math and science oriented and hated school because neither of them challenged me and weren't anything real interesting. But this year as a Junior i got into Physics Chem and Pre-Calculus. Their hard challenging classes but so much fun!!! This probably isn't you, I'm a weird breed, but trust me there are classes out there that you'll enjoy.
Look into the electives you can do, like woods, art, foods, editing, photography/video. When you find an area you like look at your core classes and their application to it.
I'm into Woodworking, I use math and Physics to design projects.
Art/Assisted Design: You can look at Lit & Comp or English and see how authors express themselves and then transpose these concepts into a visual art.
Video Editing/Photography: This is all about capturing emotions and feelings in an understandable way by the viewer, which is all that Writing is.
You just have to broaden your mind which will come as you mature. And trust me it will, I used to be like you but now I'm trying to decide between like 8 options after HS.