What up- just layin down the update on the IndiVisuals flick from ketchum, ID. We had the premiere at a local pizza place downtown last night (where I also work). It was fuckin dope, over a hundred people showed up, and absolutely loved it. But any how, the DVD's are now for sale. the price is $$10, and well worth it. Call 208-720-5364 or email me, coreywarren@cox-internet with the subject: INDIVISUALS. We have a limited # of copies(for now at least) so order now... Each DVD has bonus features and chapter selection, including bonus edits for a few of the riders, and a dope crash section. Great soundtrack includes RJD2, Atmosphere, Talib, Classified, Postal Service, a little Zeppelin for the crash edit, and a few other tracks in the DVD menus. We spent a long time, and thousands of hours to bring this movie out of the valley and into the hands of fellow skiers and snowboarders, so buy one, and help us pay back our loan for the DVDs and cases. THANKS and peace
Word is bond
Get irie
Love jah, jah love
happy 4-20, y'all