Replying to The Benefits of Travel
I just thought i'd mention to everyone on here, especially those nearing the end of high school about he benefits of seeing the world before going to school. Take a year, and go somewhere. You can learn so much about different cultures, you build tolerance and respect and learn so much more about yourself then you could have ever imagined. It rebuilds your outlook and really helps you figure out all the shit that confuses you throughout high school. You meet incredible inspiring people, i met a couple who had been travelling out of their home country for 5 continuous years, i wouldn't know where to begin telling you their stories. Learning to speak to use gestures and facial expressions to have a conversation with someone is a true experience. Everyone should consider this. Countries like new zealand and australia, are very safe and easy to travel through, Southeast asia is easier to travel through then canada, tours through africa are dirt cheap for what you get. Even the middle east, contrary to what the media will have you believe, is mostly safe for travel (if you're male especially). The local people you meet are so incredible the stories they have, it really does change your world for the better. I really sincerely think the world would be a better, more understanding place if more people took the time to experience what different cultures have to offer, particularily since the post 9/11 paranoia. Take it under consideration and don't let people talk you out of it...they always use fear tactics. I was told i'd be murdered if i went to cambodia...what i found was amazingly friendly people, no different then you or i, but with different opinions and outlooks on life. Not for one minute was i afraid of anything, in any place that i've been. I've spoken with isrealies, shocked and outraged by what they read about their country in western news (completly blown out of proportion) people who have travelled through china, nepal, pakistan, india, columbia, throughout africa...with nothing but fond memories and a desire to one day return.
Take a year, it'll unforgetable and by far, the best decision you'll ever make. It's easy, just get the plane ticket and go from there.
Member #435
You're old enough to know that you won't get a lot of things in life because you don't have tits' - One of the 1/4 pipe builders at snowjam winnipeg to a couple young boys in response to why we'd let 3 girls on the ramp and not them
******************** Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. -Dwight D.Eisenhower, U.S. general and 34th president (1890-1969)
Don't think just jump.
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