Sparknotes of my opinion:
Protesters gather in New York for a protest with no real direction which, unfortunately, misses the point and gives them a bad image but gets publicity. This message spreads through all of the broke hipsters who hate on "the man" who then set up more stupid protests and get confrontational with authority and inconvenience everyone else, then bitch about the man giving them a good slap to knock some sense into them.
The top 10% of wealth resides in people making $65,000+ annually. The super rich are not the problem (top 1%) it is the 90% making below $65,000 annually which we should be concerned about. In Canada, a 2% increase on the HST would generate enough money to help pull everyone out of poverty. There will always be over paid people, but there doesn't have to be people in poverty. Bill Gates and other super rich folks do so much philanthropic work and it isn't fair to generalize and say all rich people are selfish pricks.
The Occupy "_________" movement needs to revamp its image and bring up facts and intelligent points and get on Opera or some talk shows or something rather than getting into fights with police and bitching about the casualties taken due to sheer stupidity and ignorance.