I was hoping to demo the MPO, Bent Chetler and the JJ, but every shop I've talked to said there's no way I'm going to find a pair of the MPO's to demo, and that given the limited quantities I need to just bite the bullet and order a pair. I;m big on supporting the small ski brands (I'm still on the original year 1 armadas) but I don't know anything about the ON3Ps...
So, I'm 5'8", 155 lbs, type 3. I like to ski steeps, surf style turns, big slashes/butters, land switch a lot, and I like to be able to be quick in the trees if it's dumping and I'm stuck lower on the hill, like Mammoth or the Canyons when it's snowing. Can't be going all sunny bono on you guys...
So, since I can't demo, should I get the 178 or the 185 MPO?