Just so all of you know how Quibids works I will write it out. Yes it is a legitimate business, it more or less copies bids tick which started this whole penny auction thing (I am basing this off of what I know of bids tick).
Basically you can buy bids, every bid you buy is $1 so if you buy 100 bids you just spent $100 without even biding on anything. Now comes the fun part, every time you bid, you bid a penny, but you are actually bidding $1.01 (since they also charge you when/if you win). Going by that logic, items currently at $30.00 actually made the company $3000 plus the winner paying the $30 so in total $3030. So in reality they aren't giving products away at all, they are making in some cases 10x the amount of money they spent on the item. Pretty sneaky of them I know. Oh and if you don't win after your bid, it basically just cost you $1 to press a button.
So yes you could bid 500 times on that ipod you so desperately want for $3 but in reality you are spending over $500 on it.
It can be rewarding if you are lucky, which you rarely ever are, and to make that $100 worth of bids you bought you better at least win something worth $100+ the problem is that you probably won't.
In my opinion it isn't worth it.