Go to Heavenly. There's better non-park terrain, and it's easier to escape the crowds usually. Also, Northstar sucks because you have to park in what seems as far as fucking kansas and shuttle in. Then you have to walk about another mile uphill through their stupid village.
At Heavenly, you park at one of their lodges (there's like 4 of them if you include parking in the Harrah's Casino Parking lot - where I usually park) and then at the end of the day, you can apres by throwing 20 down on red, and get a few drinks in town... its pretty cool. I actually like that about the heave.
There's also a lot more terrain to explore at Heavenly, and there's actually some really fun stuff off the beaten path. Is it as awesome as SquAwlpine or Kirkwood? No... but it's many times better than northstar if you're not he least bit interested in going to ski park all day long, dealing with the most n00b crowds this side of the mississippi, getting your pass pulled by 'captain safety' for 'skiing too fast', or playing human slalom.