I've got a stock mbp I bought a year ago. All software is up to date according to software update, intel core 2 duo, 4 gb ram, running snow leopard 10.6.8...
So for a while I've had frequent crashes of all programs and like four kernel panics. The disk utility says the hard drive is fine, so imminent drive failure is probably not the problem. I've got a .panic log file from the last kernel panic, and I've not yet been able to isolate the cause of the kernel panics. There hasn't been an obvious cause each time. I've re-installed the OS once, but it wasn't a clean wipe. Just the reinstall without doing that using the install disk. It might be worthy to note the third kernel panic occurred during that reinstall. The computer restarted and I used the disk to continue re-installing the os. Fourth one was last night, checking some email.
I know there's quite a few of you who know your shit. So, any ideas?
I'm gonna have my parents send me my install disks and stuff, back up important stuff to an external then wipe the drive and reinstall the OS. If the system folder is corrupted that might fix it. The other option was to take it to the mini apple store in the barnes and noble/school bookstore near here. I'm not sure what they'll if I go in, explain the situation and show them the .panic log file. They might lolwut, or they suggest the wipe and reinstall and charge me for the diagnostics. In that case I'll do that myself. Would they have diagnostic tools to asses the condition of the harddrive better than I can with disk utility?
The computer is under an extended warranty because it was bought with an american express card. That extended it by one year. Asking them for a brand new one probably won't work...
Oh, and the restore of my files after the wipe would't be from time machine. Because from my understanding that saves system preferences and that kind of stuff. If the system folder is the problem, I don't want anything from there restored. I'll just be dragging my files over to the external since what I want is pretty much in the folders in the home folder. All my applications are either free ones, or I have discs, so they can be restored easily.