Well, I guess it would help knowing what you look for in movies. This post will be related to me and what I like about ski movies.
I bought PBP's last week and last night bought Level 1. I am the type of person who lists Session 1242, Idea, and Teddy Bear Crisis as their favorite movies...order not mattering. I thought personally that The Grand Bizarre was your typical cookie cutter movie....which is not a bad thing if that's what you want. Yeah it had the whole Bizarre in the title, but nothing really changed anything from years past. Yes Tudor's segment kills everything, but it felt like the same flow as years past...for the most part set to Cali P (no hate intended). LJ's part was ridiculous as with Leighs and others, but for me it did not flow very well.
Level 1 the whole movie gave me a smile on my face, and I really enjoyed the different music choice. Yes there was the typical new reggae for Delorme, but great to see Al Green and Explosions in the Sky (which I've always wanted). The only thing that I personally did not like was the Intro and some parts going off of their theme sleep/psychosis/after dark.
I guess what it boils down to is this.
Ill watch PBP's Bizarre and skip from one segment from the next.
Ill watch Level 1 as a whole not fast forwarding.