1. What year did you start skiing?
23 months old (still have my ticket)
2. Do you think the birth of the internet has benefitted our sport?
The internet has brought the sport/s together as a community unlike and form of media before it. You can almost instantaneously watch our sports grow and interact with them as they do so. It has also opened up ENTIRELY new and beneficial means for any company involved that has a message or brand they want people to know about.
3. Do you think that the internet has made it more difficult to become famous in the sport? i.e. Everyone having the ability to post videos, not giving you as much of a chance to be seen.
The internet upped the anti for both sponsors and sponsorees alike, you truly have to work for the spotlight. That said it has also opened up avenues for those who just down right eat, sleep, breath, and bleed our sports. For everyone else it allows them to enjoy and interact on a real level with everything they love.
4. In your opinion has the internet pushed the sport to where it is? Do you think the sport would be where it is without the internet?
The sport would evolve with or without the internet, it has proven itself to be an incredible catalyst in fueling the advancement however.
5. Has the internet helped your motivation towards skiing? Or vice versa?
If you need the internet to motivate you to go out and spend time on the snow... your a fucking idiot and should consider new venues in life.
6. Do you know someone who has become famous/professional in skiing from the internet? If so who?
Look at Super Unknown, WE all know someone who has become famous. Traveling Circus, and ANY group of people who devote their time to a brand, idea, crew. The beauty of the internet is we all know them, are they are personal friends? No. But the internet allows us to show our support for those we love and want to see succeed...
7. Do you know someone who has become famous/professional in skiing before the internet, or without use of the internet? Who?
8. Do you think that the way people look affects whether or not they will gain popularity?
Yes and No, this question is a double edged sword. Everyone has different opinions and style and thus everyone tends towards their own. We thrive and partake in an industry that allows for extreme individuality. However our sports are also backed by brands that must make money in order to survive so there is a side to it that pushes certain styles. However if someone is good at what they do, and loves it, THAT WILL ALWAYS SHOW over whatever gear they are wearing, and that is one of the things that makes our sports so incredible.