Hi guys/girls so i just cant get my setup to work... i've been dying to ski and even though winter is close i want something i can use all year round. I put together short video of the setup and hopefully someone can point me in the right direction.
Inital problems.
Not enough speed.
To harsh transtion.
The water runs through the astro turf.
Maybe we bought wrong turf?
We chopped out a chunk of the transtion and raise the end of the ramp while lowering the lip.
Still too much resistence and not enough speed.
Debating on puting cardboard underneith the grass to trap water better still dont know if that will help at all.
We also bought spray lube (like wd40 type stuff), even with that slippery as hell stuff coated on the turf and on the skis it didnt help much.
Heres the video
Thank you very much
+ Karma for all the help.