I dont know about anyone else, but I think the constant arguments in Sell/Trade are doing much more harm than good. I understand NS doesn't want kids making 900 threads on the same jacket they want $1,000,000 for.. but sale threads nowa days are 90% bickering.
If someone is selling something overpriced, let them. its THEIR thread selling THEIR property. back off their case. They would learn for themselves if it doesnt sell quickly that they have set too high of a price.
TheClap is famous for his comments on sale threads and although he may be correct about your pricing, condition, or whatever. It just isnt his business. Clap, Im not calling you out. Just saying you cause a lot of un-needed arguments here and there. So dont take this last paragraph the wrong way. You wouldn't harass someone with something for sale on craigslist, so why harass an NSer?
I guess the only solution I can think of is to regulate comments in sale threads? Idk how to go about doing so, as I know Mods are busy people with lives. Thoughts?