ok, im fuckin mad about 'we have 300+ years of slavery too make up for'
first of all, i never had slaves, my great great gradmother came from a little town in nowhere canada during the aoskeags mills high point, long after slavery was ended, same with her husband
second my grandparents on the other side came over from ellis island, i owe blacks NOTHING because of slavery.
third. look, there are plenty of successful, respectable black people, but who do black kids look up too?
50 cent, capone noreaga, etc... (ie, violence, killing, easy money, free sex, etc...) remember what bill cosbey said? black people go out and buy their kids $300 sneakers, but cant spend $200 on hooked on phonics, and that theyre screwing themselves over
there are plenty of poor ass gangster blacks out there who have mad things of themselves, because they CARED!
martain luther king jr wanted man to be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin. he wanted blacks to be seen for who they are, not what they look like, even if it benefits them.
its a form of slavery, give people jobs and tell em its because they cant do it themselves. sounds racist to me
'Really, I gotta say that I'm glad you exist, 'cause if there wasn't there'd be noone to make fun of and diss.'
Solider in the NS ARMY
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