Web design is tricky, especially when you're dealing with a website that you want to bring in a profit. Definitely try and work on getting a consistent layout for those athlete profiles, same image size, same alignment, repetition is really important in making a professional looking site.
Also try to throw some more contrast in there, you've just got a monochrome color scheme (same color, different shades). Throw something eye-catching in there, especially the ads (cuz thats where your money is coming from), maybe a color thats a lot different to grab the readers eyes. (Notice the gold box right under the ns logo, it gets your eye on it)
Also, try to keep the home page simple. A big mistake people make on the web is trying to put too much content on the home page. Despite it being simple, make it eye catching so a sick picture or a new vid. An example, check out Armada's site. People will be more likely to stay if they see something sick right off the bat, rather than a shit ton of content. (Take a look at some university websites, I know I've never looked at a dam thing on mine, but theres so much stuff there)
I hope this helps.
Also are you using a program like dreamweaver or doing the code yourself? If you're doing the code yourself, I'd consider throwing everything in one big container <div> to make the site stay together and fluid, like NS's.
Props for finding a way to do what you love, fuck the haters.