Awesome to see thread like this popping up.
So I made this thread in FS/FT thinking it would be the right place for it.
It hasn't really got any eye time, so thought i'd repost it here. More than likely that someone in SG will have/know a proper home for these.
My OP and a pic. Was having problems with the Uploader saving my pic, so I just uploaded a pic to my FB and got the URL from there. Apologies on the small pic, buy for someone that needs them. It shouldn't matter.
So a thread by kingsskier has motivated to try and help my karma (not the NS karma, the real stuff) right now. Had a couple of shitty things happened to me recently and in a lame attempt to turn the tide, i'll let these go for free to a worthy home.
All i ask is that, you contribute $5 to NSers and maybe help out with shipping. I'll pay half towards the shipping if ya want. Obviously would rather not be out of pocket but will happily help.
These are not going to a kid who likes the look of them and would prefer another pair of pants. Please! Someone who maybe cannot afford new ones or maybe a family member that is need of some. Either way, be fair. If you think the ones you own will do for another season and your just being greedy. Think again, let someone else benefit from them. Plus, there size S, so no where near as baggy or big for 90% of this site me thinks.
Im in talks with a couple of NSers for stuff i want, and I'm already failing hard with managing PM's so dont be offended if I dont reply to PM's.
Please dont PM me with "Yo, Bro. Can I have them?" Ya gets me!?!
So....Tresspas woodland camo style pants. Bought them from TKMax well over 4 years ago maybe. Solid pants, 10/10 warm and waterproof.
I tried to upload a pic of said pants. Uploader is working but not saving to my profile for me to find the URL?? Not really that much a computer person. I'll try to figure out why I cant find the pic. Also, if someone could fix my avatar aswell, that would be awesome.