Hey All,
As many of you know and experienced, on August 28th, tropical storm Irene ripped through the northeast causing massive flood damage in Vermont communities. While Killington Resort suffered minimal damage, many Vermonters in low lying areas lost everything. This includes many of our local farmers who depend on the land for their livelihood.
In case you missed our story on the NS cover news page, Killington Resort has created an online auction to help support Vermont Farms. All proceeds of “From the Ground Up” auction will go directly to the Vermont Farm Disaster Relief Fund, which will assist Vermont farms that sustained damage from tropical storm Irene.
I just added TONS more items today and have even more to add. Please go check it out and come ski up here at Killington this winter!!
ONLINE AUCTION: www.biddingforgood.com/fromthegroundup
Thanks so much, NS!
-Tess Hobbs and Killington Resort