Replying to loss of animal habatats
with humankind pushing foward and driving out many speices, envromentals are saying that we are killing off everything... i think not... i see it as natural selction.. the fittest servive... say pidgons.... they have adapted fast to city life and now they rule they are on every contanet... same with coyotes attacking pets.. there not losing thery land ther just becomg more adapted for urban lifestye, i just thingk that some people want certan things to change and some things not to. and this is just somethign i thoguth up stone d and if you dont like it.. cool and if you doo cool also. just think the next time u se people saying saved the gray shoe frog.
Jim..' hannah are u taking a dump?
Hannah'.. no, jim , girls dont poop,
Jim'... oh,,,, then why do girls have buttholes?
Hannah'.. for fucking. you silly.
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