This. Besides the fact I'm not going for free. I go to a small private college called Hobart in North Western NY which costs 56 grand a year. A bunch of my friends here turned down offers from Dartmouth, Yale, Cornell, Bowdoin, Bates, and others to go here. The classes here are ridiculously hard. I have at least 4-5 hours of reading each night + any papers due + any outlines/ assignments due the next day. At the beginning of most of my classes I have "pop" quizzes, so if I don't know each and every detail of the 5 hours of reading, I'll get a failing grade for participation that day, which ends up being almost half the semester grade. I have had a couple of my teachers straight up tell me they usually dont give out A's. I'm working my ass off every night getting C+/ B- on papers and exams I negate almost my entire social life for.
All my friends back home who go to USM or UMAINE Orono have half as much work and have much higher GPA's then me as of now.
And I dont know what I want to major in yet... so I'm not sure about grade school.