I went to a party last night and it was way back in a bush at a friends cabin, and since it rained a couple days back it was pretty muddy. Anyways near the end of the night me and some friends decided to leave the party cause it was boring, and there are tons of different trails and ways to get out.
Just my luck that we end up takin the wrong trail and I get stuck in about a foot of mud with my 96 chevy lumina, I couldn't do anything to get the thing out, we had about 5 people pushin it and it wouldn't even budge. So my friend gets a tractor and chain and pulls me out. He has an extension at the back that I didn't even know about and I came a couple inches from backin right into it and fuckin up my parents car. Luckily I got stopped and was told for the rest of the night that i was a lucky fucker. Anyways, that was only part of the problem, the next problem was that it was 2 and the morning and there was no way I was gonna take a car that muddy home and park it in the garage.
So at two in the morning, I went into town, about half hour away from the party, and i went straight to the car wash. On the way everything happened. Some dumb fucks drivin down the highway on the wrong side of the road about about 5 km an hour, and i had been drinkin a little earlier and it was just my luck that the cops had been following me around the block. Luckily they didn't pull me over, I got my car washed and went home around 3 in the morning. Probably the most fucked up night i've had in quite a while.
But it's all good cause my parents don't know shit about what happened.
By the way, i think i got some pictures taken of the car stuck in the mud, I'll post em sometime in the next month for whoever wants to see. It isnt as bad as you think, but last night was full of close calls.
skiing is the most amazing sport there is.
Rip it up - http://www.geocities.com/ski_itall