MadTrix is the only guy so far that has the slightest idea what he is talking about. Creatine is not a steroid. It has no effect on hormone levels that would cause the side effects that a lot of you have mentioned. It does have an effect on hydration and water usage, but is not what has been said earlier. It does not cause water retention (that happens with some anabolics) so you will not bulk up excessively or gain lots of weight. That is what the juice will do to you, and let me repeat, creatine is not a steroid, or even remotely close, for that matter. Creatine is naturally present in all meats and is also produced in small amounts by your body. Constant ingestion, which is the most common form of creatine therapy, causes you to retain a higher level of it in the muscle tissue. The creatine is used to synthesize ATP in the muscles, which is metabolized by the muscle cells to fuel contraction. ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is a nucleotide that is used in numerous bodily functions. This conversion reaction consumes water, so you actually need to drink more of it to resist dehydration. ATP is bascally a chain of glucosamine groups, a bunch of sugar carbohydrates, which is why it should be taken with Gatorade or fruit juice. In addition to aiding consumption, sugars (specifically glucose) must also be present as an ingredient for the ATP formation reaction. As you work out, you deplete your supply of ATP and the extra creatine can quickly be converted into the needed ATP giving a person the ability to quickly recover between and during sets, allowing for much more intense, growth stimulating workouts. The results are fuller, leaner, and stronger muscles. The only real drawback, like MadTrix said before, is that you may stop naturally producing the creatine if you supply it long enough by digestion, which is why it is also suggested it be used in cycles. Bottom line: Creatine is a great way to see more efficient gains for your effort when you train.
No one on their death bed ever said, 'I wish I'd played it safe' -blind_five