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the skiing world is loosing a real muthafuckin g and i just wanted to say best of luck kevin malone we will miss you. thanks for one last edit! check it out homies!
I respect how good at skiing he is... but droppin' the N word as a white dude skiing only takes away from any "street cred" he had. It makes you resemble a squeeny white kid.
dude's a great skier but his desire to make the skiing industry sound like the rap game was pretty pathetic, as is any mid 20s white boy saying nigga. oh and that second song sounded like something a computer with downs syndrome would make, holy fuck. good skiing though that's for sure
Being someone who has lots of "Black" relatives, friends and has grown up closer to the "streets" than anyone talking shit i CAN use the word. Niggas call me their nigga... NIGGA. Fuck someone who hasn't done anything for skiing other talk shit on people with stacks of contributions (LIkE Myself and my homie dollo for instance) . RubberSoul I really Hope you enjoy your time hiding behind a screen name and hating on people who are good at something you can only watch on your Macbook and critique. I could wear tight pants and denim cutoff and still ski better than you NIGGA. (that one was just for you) It would be fun to meet you one day and have the opportunity to make an example of you as to how much "street cred" I have and deserve, It also wouldn't be the first time I had to check some fool from this website. The way I am has nothing to do with skiing. As People love to point out I don't act like a skier. Thats because I don't "act" I keep it real "AINT YOU NEVER SEEN MY MOVIES?!?!"If I talked like a you little spoiled rich little pussies then I'd be acting.... like a skier I guess. Anyone who knows me in real life knows what's good.I can walk into a room full of pro skiers and they ALL watch their mouths. Scraight up. Anyone who knows me in real life knows whats good. To whoever asked Im running a restaurant kitchen for a big company I devoted ten years of my life to skiing and it was fun but now I gotta make sure I'll be alright when my body atrts falling apart and being that I come dont come from a stereotypical white suburban family that means working 60 hrs a week, Pretty tight. Keep it gorilla homies! thanks for the love haters suck dicks.
Skiing is gunna miss you. I went to MHSSC this summer for the first time and had Mal as my coach and he was super sick. Great person and Im glad hes doing what hes doin mad respect. True og and the game will miss ya.
Real talk. People that know you will miss you, people that don't know you don't know what they're missing.
I'll make sure to stay in touch, haven't been to LA besides for a couple days each Christmas for the fam in the last few years but if I ever roll through I'll be coming by.
i also find it funny that someone who tries to emulate that "hard as fuck" mentality so eagerly accepts the little kids who will nver meet you, prolly never support anything you do, but will suck your dick on the internet all day with hopes that youll look them in the eyes and tell them to gargle, but if anyone says anything "real talk, muh nigga" you just label them a hater. grats on stackin those contributions. youre a regular mike douglas.
And to ckk? or whoever nobody backs me that hasn't met me or know me, and I wouldn't expect anyone to, Im my own style person and for some funny reason people always give a shit what I say. And I only consider someone a hater when they go out of their way to "hate" on multiple occasions.. you for instance as far as my terrible short term memory tells me have no consistent pattern of talking shit. Right? So whatever, you're calling like you see it from where you're sitting. No disrespect taken. But to defend myself just because I don't make movie parts and push the sport like Dollo or someone like that doesn't mean I'm not super proud of the HUNDREDS of kids to whom I taught things like their first backflip or rodeo.OR kids Ive coached or skied with when they were young and watched make something out of skiing with my help. The first time iIdid a rodeo... IT was the tits and FUCK! I knew I'd remember that shit forever. THATS the type of "contributions" I make to the sport behind the scenes shit. Im not in your face posting edits every week, month, or season.. I dont give a fuck about that shit, never have. I have always skied for fun and Im really fucking proud of teaching kids how to do that too.
No Emo intended but I put allot into skiing
nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga
i'll miss you malone, i was never as stoaked as i was when i landed my first backie and you came running down the hill on your busted knees to lift my fat ass up because you were stoaked
that, all i said was the gangster shit is stupid, just like ive said to a lot of other people's videos on this site. i also said twice that the skiing was great, im sure he's a good dude and all haha i never said anything about that and certainly didnt mean to provoke such a response. sheesh